Friday, April 3, 2009

Blast from the Past!!

Hi everybody :) I know... it has been probably a year since the last time I posted on here, but what can I say... life got in the way of my mommy blogging! So now with a 15 month old bundle of energy and a new baby impatiently waiting to make her entrance, I have decided to return!!

A few weeks ago we had a shower for our new little girl, Lilian Carol Rozelle. It was amazing!! I wasn't sure if anyone would be eager to celebrate with us again... especially since we just had a baby shower a year and a half ago. But I was completely blown away with the overwhelming response of love and excitement from all of our amazing family and friends. The baby shower was so more than I could have ever asked for... thank you to everyone that was a joined us!

We were also lucky enough to have Amiee with Moments and Milestones join the party and take some amazing pictures to document the day. And I was super excited that we were able to fit in some belly shots while she was there. So please enjoy the following baby shower pics...

**If you would like to have some photos done by Amiee you can contact her at (830) 632-6889. She does an amazing job and has great pricing!!!**

Our amazing cake!! Thanks Mom (and Sams)!

I loved our decorations... they were perfect. And incase you didn't already know... the colors of Lili's room are pink black and white!

Weren't these gifts amazing... already so spoiled and she isn't even here yet!!

And the gorgeous bouquet of Lilys courtesy of Mamaw!!

Pictures of our growing family :)

I adore this picture... so sweet... still such a little boy but already a big brother :)

I win!! My belly is bigger :) We took this same picture when I was pregnant with Boston!!

Four generations... can you tell the resemblence :)

Grandpa and GiGi... I wish they lived closer, but I am so glad they were able to be at this shower!! They also bought Lili's baby bed for her and I can't wait to get it put together :)

My amazing parents who threw the shower for Lili. My kids are so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents!!!

And of course my best friend, Kristin, who has been there for me since 7th grade... through boyfriends and parties... and now marraige and babies!!! She also helped my mom throw this shower for Lili :)

Grandpa and Nana with Mommy and Lili.... she is already such a lucky girl!!

Megi is Boston and Lili's Godmother :) She is the best!!

My friend Taylor and her beautiful daughter... can you believe she just had a baby a few months ago?? She looks great!!

Cody Kathleen and Jessica Nicole, friends since 1983 and we haven't really changed that much!! I love and totally miss this girl. It was such a great gift for her to be at the shower :)

My sister-in-law Lori and I are due around the same time. She is having twin little girls!! Doesn't she look great... looks like I should be carrying twins :)

Can you tell that is my mother... hello clone :) I hope Lili is as beautiful!!

And the pictures of just me and my girl :)

Our friend Tyra... she got us some great things from her daughters boutique and some of the cutest two piece bathing suits... can't wait to see Lili in them :)

I thought this was a cool picture... you can see Winston and Boston playing!!

Aunt Sarah and Dave

By this point in the day Boston was tired of being ignored by his mommy!! He needed some attention :)

Aunt Kat and I

Love these girls :) Ilene, Janet, me and my mom!

This is an amazing picture that I am thinking of blowing up and hanging in the nursery!!

And I love the colors in this one!!

I know that was a lot of photos!! For those of you who were able to make it to the end... I hope you enjoyed :) Stay tuned for photos of our new baby girl!! Also, for those of you who do not know yet, I am already 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. So we should expect to meet Miss Lili in the next few weeks!!! Finally :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Where do I even begin??

Let me start out by apologizing to everyone who started checking this page before Boston was born. I am SO sorry that I have not updated the site in so long. We were having some major technical difficulties the last few months, but I think I can safely say that everything is fixed and I no longer have an excuse not to write on here and post pictures at least a few times a week. So I promise to do my best!!

So I guess we should start where I left off.... pre-Boston. Boston Alan Rozelle came into the world on December 6th, 2007 at 6:19 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 21 inches long. I really did not have a terrible labor. I started having contractions early Wednesday evening, and Thursday morning we decided to call everyone to tell them that today was the day. Rudi and Glenn (Winston's parents) and his sister, Kristian, all met us at our house that morning. Once we were all together we caravaned to my parents house in New Braunfels. By this time my contractions were 4 to 5 minutes apart and lasting 45 seconds to 1 minute, but they didn't really hurt yet. Once we got to the hospital, they broke my water and that is when the REAL labor started. I went through 2 hours of hard labor but was not progressing, so I decided to get an epidural so that the doctor could start me on medicine that would make my contractions harder and faster. Once I had the epidural I was in heaven :) Two hours later it was time to push. It was such a magical experience, because both my parents and Winston's parents and his sister were all in the room when Boston was born!! I only pushed for 20 minutes and then out he came. The rest is kind of a blur, but that should catch everyone up on that time.

Here are some photos from the hospital when Boston was brand new :)

Mommy and Boston

and Daddy and his boy!

Boston and I stayed in the hospital for a full week, because he had a fever when he was born and had to be on antibiotics. The worst part was seeing him with a little IV in. But we made it through and he is very healthy now. In fact, by the time we left the hospital he was weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz. The nurses nicknamed him "Bruiser" :)

Mamaw is holding her new grandson. You can really see his little IV :(